
Linux Automake 8 编译程序和库

GNU Automake 版本(version 1.16.1, 26 February 2018)

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Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software
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and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in
the section entitled “GNU Free Documentation License.”

8 Building Programs and Libraries

A large part of Automake functionality is dedicated to making it easy
to build programs and libraries.

8.1 Building a program



8.1.1 Defining program sources

In a directory containing source that gets built into a program (as
opposed to a library or a script), the PROGRAMS primary is used.
Programs can be installed in bindir, sbindir, libexecdir,
pkglibexecdir, or not at all (noinst_). They can also be built only
for make check, in which case the prefix is check_.

For instance:

 bin_PROGRAMS = hello

In this simple case, the resulting Makefile.in will contain code to
generate a program named hello.

Associated with each program are several assisting variables that are
named after the program. These variables are all optional, and have
reasonable defaults. Each variable, its use, and default is spelled out
below; we use the “hello” example throughout.

The variable hello_SOURCES is used to specify which source files
get built into an executable:

 hello_SOURCES = hello.c version.c getopt.c getopt1.c getopt.h system.h

This causes each mentioned .c file to be compiled into the
corresponding .o. Then all are linked to produce hello.

If hello_SOURCES is not specified, then it defaults to the single
file hello.c

Multiple programs can be built in a single directory. Multiple
programs can share a single source file, which must be listed in each
_SOURCES definition.

Header files listed in a _SOURCES definition will be included in
the distribution but otherwise ignored. In case it isnt obvious, you should not include the header file generated by configurein a_SOURCES variable; this file should not be distributed. Lex (.l) and Yacc (.y`) files can also be listed; see *note Yacc and Lex::.

8.1.2 Linking the program

如果希望链接 configure文件中没有的库,可以使用 LDADD 搞定。这个变量用于指定链接的目标文件或者库,如果希望再指定一些参数,可以使用 AM_LDFLAGS

Sometimes, multiple programs are built in one directory but do not
share the same link-time requirements. In this case, you can use the
PROG_LDADD variable (where PROG is the name of the program as it
appears in some _PROGRAMS variable, and usually written in lowercase)
to override LDADD. If this variable exists for a given program, then
that program is not linked using LDADD.

For instance, in GNU cpio, pax, cpio and mt are linked against
the library libcpio.a. However, rmt is built in the same directory,
and has no such link requirement. Also, mt and rmt are only built
on certain architectures. Here is what cpios src/Makefile.am` looks
like (abridged):

 bin_PROGRAMS = cpio pax $(MT)
 libexec_PROGRAMS = $(RMT)

 LDADD = ../lib/libcpio.a $(INTLLIBS)
 rmt_LDADD =

 cpio_SOURCES = ...
 pax_SOURCES = ...
 mt_SOURCES = ...
 rmt_SOURCES = ...

PROG_LDADD is inappropriate for passing program-specific linker
flags (except for -l, -L, -dlopen and -dlpreopen). So, use the
PROG_LDFLAGS variable for this purpose.

It is also occasionally useful to have a program depend on some other
target that is not actually part of that program. This can be done
variable. Each program depends on the contents both variables, but no
further interpretation is done.

Since these dependencies are associated to the link rule used to
create the programs they should normally list files used by the link
command. That is *.$(OBJEXT), *.a, or *.la files. In rare cases
you may need to add other kinds of files such as linker scripts, but
listing a source file in _DEPENDENCIES is wrong. If some source
file needs to be built before all the components of a program are built,
consider using the BUILT_SOURCES variable instead (*note Sources::).

If PROG_DEPENDENCIES is not supplied, it is computed by Automake.
The automatically-assigned value is the contents of PROG_LDADD, with
most configure substitutions, -l, -L, -dlopen and -dlpreopen
options removed. The configure substitutions that are left in are only
$(LIBOBJS) and $(ALLOCA); these are left because it is known that
they will not cause an invalid value for PROG_DEPENDENCIES to be

The EXTRA_PROG_DEPENDENCIES may be useful for cases where you
merely want to augment the automake-generated PROG_DEPENDENCIES
rather than replacing it.

We recommend that you avoid using -l options in LDADD or
PROG_LDADD when referring to libraries built by your package.
Instead, write the file name of the library explicitly as in the above
cpio example. Use -l only to list third-party libraries. If you
follow this rule, the default value of PROG_DEPENDENCIES will list all
your local libraries and omit the other ones.

8.1.3 Conditional compilation of sources

You cant put a configure substitution (e.g., @FOO@or$(FOO)whereFOOis defined viaAC_SUBST) into a _SOURCES variable. The reason for this is a bit hard to explain, but suffice to say that it simply wont work. Automake will give an error if you try to do this.

Fortunately there are two other ways to achieve the same result. One
is to use configure substitutions in _LDADD variables, the other is to
use an Automake conditional.

Conditional Compilation using _LDADD Substitutions

Automake must know all the source files that could possibly go into a
program, even if not all the files are built in every circumstance. Any
files that are only conditionally built should be listed in the
appropriate EXTRA_ variable. For instance, if hello-linux.c or
hello-generic.c were conditionally included in hello, the
Makefile.am would contain:

 bin_PROGRAMS = hello
 hello_SOURCES = hello-common.c
 EXTRA_hello_SOURCES = hello-linux.c hello-generic.c

You can then setup the $(HELLO_SYSTEM) substitution from

 case $host in
   *linux*) HELLO_SYSTEM='hello-linux.$(OBJEXT)' ;;
   *)       HELLO_SYSTEM='hello-generic.$(OBJEXT)' ;;

In this case, the variable HELLO_SYSTEM should be replaced by
either hello-linux.o or hello-generic.o, and added to both
hello_DEPENDENCIES and hello_LDADD in order to be built and linked

Conditional Compilation using Automake Conditionals

An often simpler way to compile source files conditionally is to use
Automake conditionals. For instance, you could use this Makefile.am
construct to build the same hello example:

 bin_PROGRAMS = hello
 hello_SOURCES = hello-linux.c hello-common.c
 hello_SOURCES = hello-generic.c hello-common.c

In this case, configure.ac should setup the LINUX conditional
using AM_CONDITIONAL (*note Conditionals::).

When using conditionals like this you dont need to use the EXTRA_`
variable, because Automake will examine the contents of each variable to
construct the complete list of source files.

If your program uses a lot of files, you will probably prefer a
conditional +=.

 bin_PROGRAMS = hello
 hello_SOURCES = hello-common.c
 hello_SOURCES += hello-linux.c
 hello_SOURCES += hello-generic.c

8.1.4 Conditional compilation of programs

Sometimes it is useful to determine the programs that are to be built at
configure time. For instance, GNU cpio only builds mt and rmt
under special circumstances. The means to achieve conditional
compilation of programs are the same you can use to compile source files
conditionally: substitutions or conditionals.

Conditional Programs using configure Substitutions

In this case, you must notify Automake of all the programs that can
possibly be built, but at the same time cause the generated
Makefile.in to use the programs specified by configure. This is
done by having configure substitute values into each _PROGRAMS
definition, while listing all optionally built programs in

 bin_PROGRAMS = cpio pax $(MT)
 libexec_PROGRAMS = $(RMT)

As explained in *note EXEEXT::, Automake will rewrite bin_PROGRAMS,
libexec_PROGRAMS, and EXTRA_PROGRAMS, appending $(EXEEXT) to each
binary. Obviously it cannot rewrite values obtained at run-time through
configure substitutions, therefore you should take care of appending
$(EXEEXT) yourself, as in AC_SUBST([MT], ['mt${EXEEXT}']).

Conditional Programs using Automake Conditionals

You can also use Automake conditionals (*note Conditionals::) to select
programs to be built. In this case you dont have to worry about $(EXEEXT)orEXTRA_PROGRAMS`.

 bin_PROGRAMS = cpio pax
   bin_PROGRAMS += mt
   libexec_PROGRAMS = rmt

8.2 Building a library


Building a library is much like building a program. In this case, the
name of the primary is LIBRARIES. Libraries can be installed in
libdir or pkglibdir.

*Note A Shared Library::, for information on how to build shared
libraries using libtool and the LTLIBRARIES primary.

Each _LIBRARIES variable is a list of the libraries to be built.
For instance, to create a library named libcpio.a, but not install it,
you would write:

 noinst_LIBRARIES = libcpio.a
 libcpio_a_SOURCES = ...

The sources that go into a library are determined exactly as they are
for programs, via the _SOURCES variables. Note that the library name
is canonicalized (*note Canonicalization::), so the _SOURCES variable
corresponding to libcpio.a is libcpio_a_SOURCES, not

Extra objects can be added to a library using the LIBRARY_LIBADD
variable. This should be used for objects determined by configure.
Again from cpio:

 libcpio_a_LIBADD = $(LIBOBJS) $(ALLOCA)

In addition, sources for extra objects that will not exist until
configure-time must be added to the BUILT_SOURCES variable (*note

Building a static library is done by compiling all object files, then
by invoking $(AR) $(ARFLAGS) followed by the name of the library and
the list of objects, and finally by calling $(RANLIB) on that library.
You should call AC_PROG_RANLIB from your configure.ac to define
RANLIB (Automake will complain otherwise). You should also call
AM_PROG_AR to define AR, in order to support unusual archivers such
as Microsoft lib. ARFLAGS will default to cru; you can override
this variable by setting it in your Makefile.am or by AC_SUBSTing it
from your configure.ac. You can override the AR variable by
defining a per-library maude_AR variable (*note Program and Library

Be careful when selecting library components conditionally. Because
building an empty library is not portable, you should ensure that any
library always contains at least one object.

To use a static library when building a program, add it to LDADD
for this program. In the following example, the program cpio is
statically linked with the library libcpio.a.

 noinst_LIBRARIES = libcpio.a
 libcpio_a_SOURCES = ...

 bin_PROGRAMS = cpio
 cpio_SOURCES = cpio.c ...
 cpio_LDADD = libcpio.a

8.3 Building a Shared Library


Building shared libraries portably is a relatively complex matter. For
this reason, GNU Libtool (*note Introduction: (libtool)Top.) was created
to help build shared libraries in a platform-independent way.

8.3.1 The Libtool Concept

Libtool abstracts shared and static libraries into a unified concept
henceforth called “libtool libraries”. Libtool libraries are files
using the .la suffix, and can designate a static library, a shared
library, or maybe both. Their exact nature cannot be determined until
./configure is run: not all platforms support all kinds of libraries,
and users can explicitly select which libraries should be built.
(However the packages maintainers can tune the default, *note The AC_PROG_LIBTOOL` macro: (libtool)AC_PROG_LIBTOOL.)

Because object files for shared and static libraries must be compiled
differently, libtool is also used during compilation. Object files
built by libtool are called “libtool objects”: these are files using the
.lo suffix. Libtool libraries are built from these libtool objects.

You should not assume anything about the structure of .la or .lo
files and how libtool constructs them: this is libtools concern, and the last thing one wants is to learn about libtools guts. However the
existence of these files matters, because they are used as targets and
dependencies in Makefiles rules when building libtool libraries.
There are situations where you may have to refer to these, for instance
when expressing dependencies for building source files conditionally
(*note Conditional Libtool Sources::).

People considering writing a plug-in system, with dynamically loaded
modules, should look into libltdl: libtool`s dlopening library (*note
Using libltdl: (libtool)Using libltdl.). This offers a portable
dlopening facility to load libtool libraries dynamically, and can also
achieve static linking where unavoidable.

Before we discuss how to use libtool with Automake in details, it
should be noted that the libtool manual also has a section about how to
use Automake with libtool (*note Using Automake with Libtool:
(libtool)Using Automake.).

8.3.2 Building Libtool Libraries

Automake uses libtool to build libraries declared with the LTLIBRARIES
primary. Each _LTLIBRARIES variable is a list of libtool libraries to
build. For instance, to create a libtool library named libgettext.la,
and install it in libdir, write:

 lib_LTLIBRARIES = libgettext.la
 libgettext_la_SOURCES = gettext.c gettext.h ...

Automake predefines the variable pkglibdir, so you can use
pkglib_LTLIBRARIES to install libraries in $(libdir)/@PACKAGE@/.

If gettext.h is a public header file that needs to be installed in
order for people to use the library, it should be declared using a
_HEADERS variable, not in libgettext_la_SOURCES. Headers listed in
the latter should be internal headers that are not part of the public

 lib_LTLIBRARIES = libgettext.la
 libgettext_la_SOURCES = gettext.c ...
 include_HEADERS = gettext.h ...

A package can build and install such a library along with other
programs that use it. This dependency should be specified using
LDADD. The following example builds a program named hello that is
linked with libgettext.la.

 lib_LTLIBRARIES = libgettext.la
 libgettext_la_SOURCES = gettext.c ...

 bin_PROGRAMS = hello
 hello_SOURCES = hello.c ...
 hello_LDADD = libgettext.la

Whether hello is statically or dynamically linked with libgettext.la
is not yet known: this will depend on the configuration of libtool and
the capabilities of the host.

8.3.3 Building Libtool Libraries Conditionally

Like conditional programs (*note Conditional Programs::), there are two
main ways to build conditional libraries: using Automake conditionals or
using Autoconf AC_SUBSTitutions.

The important implementation detail you have to be aware of is that
the place where a library will be installed matters to libtool: it needs
to be indicated at link-time using the -rpath option.

For libraries whose destination directory is known when Automake
runs, Automake will automatically supply the appropriate -rpath option
to libtool. This is the case for libraries listed explicitly in some
installable _LTLIBRARIES variables such as lib_LTLIBRARIES.

However, for libraries determined at configure time (and thus
mentioned in EXTRA_LTLIBRARIES), Automake does not know the final
installation directory. For such libraries you must add the -rpath
option to the appropriate _LDFLAGS variable by hand.

The examples below illustrate the differences between these two

Here is an example where WANTEDLIBS is an AC_SUBSTed variable set
at ./configure-time to either libfoo.la, libbar.la, both, or none.
Although $(WANTEDLIBS) appears in the lib_LTLIBRARIES, Automake
cannot guess it relates to libfoo.la or libbar.la at the time it
creates the link rule for these two libraries. Therefore the -rpath
argument must be explicitly supplied.

 EXTRA_LTLIBRARIES = libfoo.la libbar.la
 libfoo_la_SOURCES = foo.c ...
 libfoo_la_LDFLAGS = -rpath '$(libdir)'
 libbar_la_SOURCES = bar.c ...
 libbar_la_LDFLAGS = -rpath '$(libdir)'

Here is how the same Makefile.am would look using Automake
conditionals named WANT_LIBFOO and WANT_LIBBAR. Now Automake is
able to compute the -rpath setting itself, because its clear that both libraries will end up in $(libdir)` if they are installed.

 lib_LTLIBRARIES += libfoo.la
 lib_LTLIBRARIES += libbar.la
 libfoo_la_SOURCES = foo.c ...
 libbar_la_SOURCES = bar.c ...

8.3.4 Libtool Libraries with Conditional Sources

Conditional compilation of sources in a library can be achieved in the
same way as conditional compilation of sources in a program (*note
Conditional Sources::). The only difference is that _LIBADD should be
used instead of _LDADD and that it should mention libtool objects
(.lo files).

So, to mimic the hello example from *note Conditional Sources::, we
could build a libhello.la library using either hello-linux.c or
hello-generic.c with the following Makefile.am.

 lib_LTLIBRARIES = libhello.la
 libhello_la_SOURCES = hello-common.c
 EXTRA_libhello_la_SOURCES = hello-linux.c hello-generic.c
 libhello_la_LIBADD = $(HELLO_SYSTEM)

And make sure configure defines HELLO_SYSTEM as either
hello-linux.lo or hello-generic.lo.

Or we could simply use an Automake conditional as follows.

 lib_LTLIBRARIES = libhello.la
 libhello_la_SOURCES = hello-common.c
 libhello_la_SOURCES += hello-linux.c
 libhello_la_SOURCES += hello-generic.c

8.3.5 Libtool Convenience Libraries

Sometimes you want to build libtool libraries that should not be
installed. These are called “libtool convenience libraries” and are
typically used to encapsulate many sublibraries, later gathered into one
big installed library.

Libtool convenience libraries are declared by directory-less
variables such as noinst_LTLIBRARIES, check_LTLIBRARIES, or even
EXTRA_LTLIBRARIES. Unlike installed libtool libraries they do not
need an -rpath flag at link time (actually this is the only

Convenience libraries listed in noinst_LTLIBRARIES are always
built. Those listed in check_LTLIBRARIES are built only upon make check. Finally, libraries listed in EXTRA_LTLIBRARIES are never
built explicitly: Automake outputs rules to build them, but if the
library does not appear as a Makefile dependency anywhere it wont be built (this is why EXTRA_LTLIBRARIES` is used for conditional

Here is a sample setup merging libtool convenience libraries from
subdirectories into one main libtop.la library.

 # -- Top-level Makefile.am --
 SUBDIRS = sub1 sub2 ...
 lib_LTLIBRARIES = libtop.la
 libtop_la_SOURCES =
 libtop_la_LIBADD = \
   sub1/libsub1.la \
   sub2/libsub2.la \

 # -- sub1/Makefile.am --
 noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libsub1.la
 libsub1_la_SOURCES = ...

 # -- sub2/Makefile.am --
 # showing nested convenience libraries
 SUBDIRS = sub2.1 sub2.2 ...
 noinst_LTLIBRARIES = libsub2.la
 libsub2_la_SOURCES =
 libsub2_la_LIBADD = \
   sub21/libsub21.la \
   sub22/libsub22.la \

When using such setup, beware that automake will assume libtop.la
is to be linked with the C linker. This is because libtop_la_SOURCES
is empty, so automake picks C as default language. If
libtop_la_SOURCES was not empty, automake would select the linker as
explained in *note How the Linker is Chosen::.

If one of the sublibraries contains non-C source, it is important
that the appropriate linker be chosen. One way to achieve this is to
pretend that there is such a non-C file among the sources of the
library, thus forcing automake to select the appropriate linker. Here
is the top-level Makefile of our example updated to force C++ linking.

 SUBDIRS = sub1 sub2 ...
 lib_LTLIBRARIES = libtop.la
 libtop_la_SOURCES =
 # Dummy C++ source to cause C++ linking.
 nodist_EXTRA_libtop_la_SOURCES = dummy.cxx
 libtop_la_LIBADD = \
   sub1/libsub1.la \
   sub2/libsub2.la \

EXTRA_*_SOURCES variables are used to keep track of source files
that might be compiled (this is mostly useful when doing conditional
compilation using AC_SUBST, *note Conditional Libtool Sources::), and
the nodist_ prefix means the listed sources are not to be distributed
(*note Program and Library Variables::). In effect the file dummy.cxx
does not need to exist in the source tree. Of course if you have some
real source file to list in libtop_la_SOURCES there is no point in
cheating with nodist_EXTRA_libtop_la_SOURCES.

8.3.6 Libtool Modules

These are libtool libraries meant to be dlopened. They are indicated to
libtool by passing -module at link-time.

 pkglib_LTLIBRARIES = mymodule.la
 mymodule_la_SOURCES = doit.c
 mymodule_la_LDFLAGS = -module

Ordinarily, Automake requires that a librarys name start with lib. However, when building a dynamically loadable module you might wish to use a "nonstandard" name. Automake will not complain about such nonstandard names if it knows the library being built is a libtool module, i.e., if -module explicitly appears in the librarys
_LDFLAGS variable (or in the common AM_LDFLAGS variable when no
per-library _LDFLAGS variable is defined).

As always, AC_SUBST variables are black boxes to Automake since
their values are not yet known when automake is run. Therefore if
-module is set via such a variable, Automake cannot notice it and will
proceed as if the library was an ordinary libtool library, with strict

If mymodule_la_SOURCES is not specified, then it defaults to the
single file mymodule.c (*note Default _SOURCES::).


As shown in previous sections, the LIBRARY_LIBADD variable should be
used to list extra libtool objects (.lo files) or libtool libraries
(.la) to add to LIBRARY.

The LIBRARY_LDFLAGS variable is the place to list additional
libtool linking flags, such as -version-info, -static, and a lot
more. *Note Link mode: (libtool)Link mode.

The libtool command has two kinds of options: mode-specific options
and generic options. Mode-specific options such as the aforementioned
linking flags should be lumped with the other flags passed to the tool
invoked by libtool (hence the use of LIBRARY_LDFLAGS for libtool
linking flags). Generic options include --tag=TAG and --silent
(*note Invoking libtool: (libtool)Invoking libtool. for more options)
should appear before the mode selection on the command line; in
Makefile.ams they should be listed in the LIBRARY_LIBTOOLFLAGS

If LIBRARY_LIBTOOLFLAGS is not defined, then the variable
AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS is used instead.

These flags are passed to libtool after the --tag=TAG option
computed by Automake (if any), so LIBRARY_LIBTOOLFLAGS (or
AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS) is a good place to override or supplement the
--tag=TAG setting.

The libtool rules also use a LIBTOOLFLAGS variable that should not
be set in Makefile.am: this is a user variable (*note Flag Variables
Ordering::. It allows users to run make LIBTOOLFLAGS=--silent, for
instance. Note that the verbosity of libtool can also be influenced
by the Automake support for silent rules (*note Automake Silent


Where an ordinary library might include $(LIBOBJS) or $(ALLOCA)
(*note LIBOBJS::), a libtool library must use $(LTLIBOBJS) or
$(LTALLOCA). This is required because the object files that libtool
operates on do not necessarily end in .o.

Nowadays, the computation of LTLIBOBJS from LIBOBJS is performed
automatically by Autoconf (*note AC_LIBOBJ vs. LIBOBJS:
(autoconf)AC_LIBOBJ vs LIBOBJS.). Error: required file ./ltmain.sh’ not found`

Libtool comes with a tool called libtoolize that will install
libtools supporting files into a package. Running this command will install ltmain.sh. You should execute it before aclocalandautomake`.

People upgrading old packages to newer autotools are likely to face
this issue because older Automake versions used to call libtoolize.
Therefore old build scripts do not call libtoolize.

Since Automake 1.6, it has been decided that running libtoolize was
none of Automakes business. Instead, that functionality has been moved into the autoreconfcommand (*note Usingautoreconf: (autoconf)autoreconf Invocation.). If you do not want to remember what to run and when, just learn the autoreconfcommand. Hopefully, replacing existingbootstraporautogen.shscripts by a call toautoreconf` should also free you from any similar incompatible change
in the future. Objects created with both libtool and without


Sometimes, the same source file is used both to build a libtool library
and to build another non-libtool target (be it a program or another

Lets consider the following Makefile.am`.

 bin_PROGRAMS = prog
 prog_SOURCES = prog.c foo.c ...

 lib_LTLIBRARIES = libfoo.la
 libfoo_la_SOURCES = foo.c ...

(In this trivial case the issue could be avoided by linking libfoo.la
with prog instead of listing foo.c in prog_SOURCES. But lets assume we really want to keep progandlibfoo.la` separate.)

Technically, it means that we should build foo.$(OBJEXT) for
prog, and foo.lo for libfoo.la. The problem is that in the course
of creating foo.lo, libtool may erase (or replace) foo.$(OBJEXT),
and this cannot be avoided.

Therefore, when Automake detects this situation it will complain with
a message such as
​ object ‘foo.$(OBJEXT)’ created both with libtool and without

A workaround for this issue is to ensure that these two objects get
different basenames. As explained in *note Renamed Objects::, this
happens automatically when per-targets flags are used.

 bin_PROGRAMS = prog
 prog_SOURCES = prog.c foo.c ...

 lib_LTLIBRARIES = libfoo.la
 libfoo_la_SOURCES = foo.c ...

Adding prog_CFLAGS = $(AM_CFLAGS) is almost a no-op, because when the
prog_CFLAGS is defined, it is used instead of AM_CFLAGS. However as
a side effect it will cause prog.c and foo.c to be compiled as
prog-prog.$(OBJEXT) and prog-foo.$(OBJEXT), which solves the issue.

8.4 Program and Library Variables

Associated with each program is a collection of variables that can be
used to modify how that program is built. There is a similar list of
such variables for each library. The canonical name of the program (or
library) is used as a base for naming these variables.

In the list below, we use the name “maude” to refer to the program or
library. In your Makefile.am you would replace this with the
canonical name of your program. This list also refers to “maude” as a
program, but in general the same rules apply for both static and dynamic
libraries; the documentation below notes situations where programs and
libraries differ.

​ This variable, if it exists, lists all the source files that are
​ compiled to build the program. These files are added to the
​ distribution by default. When building the program, Automake will
​ cause each source file to be compiled to a single .o file (or
.lo when using libtool). Normally these object files are named
​ after the source file, but other factors can change this. If a
​ file in the _SOURCES variable has an unrecognized extension,
​ Automake will do one of two things with it. If a suffix rule
​ exists for turning files with the unrecognized extension into .o
​ files, then automake will treat this file as it will any other
​ source file (*note Support for Other Languages::). Otherwise, the
​ file will be ignored as though it were a header file.

 The prefixes `dist_` and `nodist_` can be used to control whether
 files listed in a `_SOURCES` variable are distributed.  `dist_` is
 redundant, as sources are distributed by default, but it can be
 specified for clarity if desired.

 It is possible to have both `dist_` and `nodist_` variants of a
 given `_SOURCES` variable at once; this lets you easily distribute
 some files and not others, for instance:

      nodist_maude_SOURCES = nodist.c
      dist_maude_SOURCES = dist-me.c

 By default the output file (on Unix systems, the `.o` file) will be
 put into the current build directory.  However, if the option
 `subdir-objects` is in effect in the current directory then the
 `.o` file will be put into the subdirectory named after the source
 file.  For instance, with `subdir-objects` enabled,
 `sub/dir/file.c` will be compiled to `sub/dir/file.o`.  Some people
 prefer this mode of operation.  You can specify `subdir-objects` in
 `AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS` (*note Options::).

​ Automake needs to know the list of files you intend to compile
statically. For one thing, this is the only way Automake has of
​ knowing what sort of language support a given Makefile.in
​ requires. (1) This means that, for example, you cant put a ​ configure substitution like @my_sources@into a_SOURCES​ variable. If you intend to conditionally compile source files and ​ useconfigureto substitute the appropriate object names into, ​ e.g.,LDADD(see below), then you should list the corresponding ​ source files in theEXTRA` variable.

 This variable also supports `dist_` and `nodist_` prefixes.  For
 instance, `nodist_EXTRA_maude_SOURCES` would list extra sources
 that may need to be built, but should not be distributed.

​ A static library is created by default by invoking $(AR) ​ $(ARFLAGS) followed by the name of the library and then the
​ objects being put into the library. You can override this by
​ setting the _AR variable. This is usually used with C++; some
​ C++ compilers require a special invocation in order to instantiate
​ all the templates that should go into a library. For instance, the
​ SGI C++ compiler likes this variable set like so:
​ libmaude_a_AR = $(CXX) -ar -o

​ Extra objects can be added to a library using the _LIBADD
​ variable. For instance, this should be used for objects determined
​ by configure (*note A Library::).

 In the case of libtool libraries, `maude_LIBADD` can also refer to
 other libtool libraries.

​ Extra objects (*.$(OBJEXT)) and libraries (*.a, *.la) can be
​ added to a program by listing them in the _LDADD variable. For
​ instance, this should be used for objects determined by configure
​ (*note Linking::).

 `_LDADD` and `_LIBADD` are inappropriate for passing
 program-specific linker flags (except for `-l`, `-L`, `-dlopen` and
 `-dlpreopen`).  Use the `_LDFLAGS` variable for this purpose.

 For instance, if your `configure.ac` uses `AC_PATH_XTRA`, you could
 link your program against the X libraries like so:

      maude_LDADD = $(X_PRE_LIBS) $(X_LIBS) $(X_EXTRA_LIBS)

 We recommend that you use `-l` and `-L` only when referring to
 third-party libraries, and give the explicit file names of any
 library built by your package.  Doing so will ensure that
 `maude_DEPENDENCIES` (see below) is correctly defined by default.

​ This variable is used to pass extra flags to the link step of a
​ program or a shared library. It overrides the AM_LDFLAGS
​ variable.

​ This variable is used to pass extra options to libtool. It
​ overrides the AM_LIBTOOLFLAGS variable. These options are output
​ before libtool``s –mode=MODE` option, so they should not be
​ mode-specific options (those belong to the compiler or linker
​ flags). *Note Libtool Flags::.

​ It is also occasionally useful to have a target (program or
​ library) depend on some other file that is not actually part of
​ that target. This can be done using the _DEPENDENCIES variable.
​ Each target depends on the contents of such a variable, but no
​ further interpretation is done.

 Since these dependencies are associated to the link rule used to
 create the programs they should normally list files used by the
 link command.  That is `*.$(OBJEXT)`, `*.a`, or `*.la` files for
 programs; `*.lo` and `*.la` files for Libtool libraries; and
 `*.$(OBJEXT)` files for static libraries.  In rare cases you may
 need to add other kinds of files such as linker scripts, but
 _listing a source file in `_DEPENDENCIES` is wrong_.  If some
 source file needs to be built before all the components of a
 program are built, consider using the `BUILT_SOURCES` variable
 (*note Sources::).

 If `_DEPENDENCIES` is not supplied, it is computed by Automake.
 The automatically-assigned value is the contents of `_LDADD` or
 `_LIBADD`, with most configure substitutions, `-l`, `-L`, `-dlopen`
 and `-dlpreopen` options removed.  The configure substitutions that
 are left in are only `$(LIBOBJS)` and `$(ALLOCA)`; these are left
 because it is known that they will not cause an invalid value for
 `_DEPENDENCIES` to be generated.

 `_DEPENDENCIES` is more likely used to perform conditional
 compilation using an `AC_SUBST` variable that contains a list of
 objects.  *Note Conditional Sources::, and *note Conditional
 Libtool Sources::.

 The `EXTRA_*_DEPENDENCIES` variable may be useful for cases where
 you merely want to augment the `automake`-generated `_DEPENDENCIES`
 variable rather than replacing it.

​ You can override the linker on a per-program basis. By default the
​ linker is chosen according to the languages used by the program.
​ For instance, a program that includes C++ source code would use the
​ C++ compiler to link. The _LINK variable must hold the name of a
​ command that can be passed all the .o file names and libraries to
​ link against as arguments. Note that the name of the underlying
​ program is not passed to _LINK; typically one uses $@:

      maude_LINK = $(CCLD) -magic -o $@

 If a `_LINK` variable is not supplied, it may still be generated
 and used by Automake due to the use of per-target link flags such
 as `_CFLAGS`, `_LDFLAGS` or `_LIBTOOLFLAGS`, in cases where they

​ Automake allows you to set compilation flags on a per-program (or
​ per-library) basis. A single source file can be included in
​ several programs, and it will potentially be compiled with
​ different flags for each program. This works for any language
​ directly supported by Automake. These “per-target compilation

 When using a per-target compilation flag, Automake will choose a
 different name for the intermediate object files.  Ordinarily a
 file like `sample.c` will be compiled to produce `sample.o`.
 However, if the program`s `_CFLAGS` variable is set, then the
 object file will be named, for instance, `maude-sample.o`.  (See
 also *note Renamed Objects::).

 In compilations with per-target flags, the ordinary `AM_` form of
 the flags variable is _not_ automatically included in the
 compilation (however, the user form of the variable _is_ included).
 So for instance, if you want the hypothetical `maude` compilations
 to also use the value of `AM_CFLAGS`, you would need to write:

      maude_CFLAGS = ... your flags ... $(AM_CFLAGS)

 *Note Flag Variables Ordering::, for more discussion about the
 interaction between user variables, `AM_` shadow variables, and
 per-target variables.

​ On some platforms the allowable file names are very short. In
​ order to support these systems and per-target compilation flags at
​ the same time, Automake allows you to set a “short name” that will
​ influence how intermediate object files are named. For instance,
​ in the following example,

      bin_PROGRAMS = maude
      maude_SHORTNAME = m
      maude_SOURCES = sample.c ...

 the object file would be named `m-sample.o` rather than

 This facility is rarely needed in practice, and we recommend
 avoiding it until you find it is required.

(1) There are other, more obscure reasons for this limitation as

8.5 Default _SOURCES

_SOURCES variables are used to specify source files of programs (*note
A Program::), libraries (*note A Library::), and Libtool libraries
(*note A Shared Library::).

When no such variable is specified for a target, Automake will define
one itself. The default is to compile a single C file whose base name
is the name of the target itself, with any extension replaced by
AM_DEFAULT_SOURCE_EXT, which defaults to .c.

For example if you have the following somewhere in your Makefile.am
with no corresponding libfoo_a_SOURCES:

 lib_LIBRARIES = libfoo.a sub/libc++.a

libfoo.a will be built using a default source file named libfoo.c,
and sub/libc++.a will be built from sub/libc++.c. (In older
versions sub/libc++.a would be built from sub_libc___a.c, i.e., the
default source was the canonized name of the target, with .c appended.
We believe the new behavior is more sensible, but for backward
compatibility automake will use the old name if a file or a rule with
that name exists and AM_DEFAULT_SOURCE_EXT is not used.)

Default sources are mainly useful in test suites, when building many
test programs each from a single source. For instance, in

 check_PROGRAMS = test1 test2 test3

test1, test2, and test3 will be built from test1.cpp,
test2.cpp, and test3.cpp. Without the last line, they will be built
from test1.c, test2.c, and test3.c.

Another case where this is convenient is building many Libtool
modules (moduleN.la), each defined in its own file (moduleN.c).

 AM_LDFLAGS = -module
 lib_LTLIBRARIES = module1.la module2.la module3.la

Finally, there is one situation where this default source computation
needs to be avoided: when a target should not be built from sources. We
already saw such an example in *note true::; this happens when all the
constituents of a target have already been compiled and just need to be
combined using a _LDADD variable. Then it is necessary to define an
empty _SOURCES variable, so that automake does not compute a

 bin_PROGRAMS = target
 target_SOURCES =
 target_LDADD = libmain.a libmisc.a

8.6 Special handling for LIBOBJS and ALLOCA

The $(LIBOBJS) and $(ALLOCA) variables list object files that should
be compiled into the project to provide an implementation for functions
that are missing or broken on the host system. They are substituted by

These variables are defined by Autoconf macros such as AC_LIBOBJ,
AC_REPLACE_FUNCS (*note Generic Function Checks: (autoconf)Generic
Functions.), or AC_FUNC_ALLOCA (*note Particular Function Checks:
(autoconf)Particular Functions.). Many other Autoconf macros call

Using these variables is very similar to doing conditional
compilation using AC_SUBST variables, as described in *note
Conditional Sources::. That is, when building a program, $(LIBOBJS)
and $(ALLOCA) should be added to the associated *_LDADD variable, or
to the *_LIBADD variable when building a library. However there is no
need to list the corresponding sources in EXTRA_*_SOURCES nor to
define *_DEPENDENCIES. Automake automatically adds $(LIBOBJS) and
$(ALLOCA) to the dependencies, and it will discover the list of
corresponding source files automatically (by tracing the invocations of
the AC_LIBSOURCE Autoconf macros). If you have already defined
*_DEPENDENCIES explicitly for an unrelated reason, then you either
need to add these variables manually, or use EXTRA_*_DEPENDENCIES
instead of *_DEPENDENCIES.

These variables are usually used to build a portability library that
is linked with all the programs of the project. We now review a sample
setup. First, configure.ac contains some checks that affect either

 # configure.ac
 AC_FUNC_MALLOC             dnl May add malloc.$(OBJEXT) to LIBOBJS
 AC_FUNC_MEMCMP             dnl May add memcmp.$(OBJEXT) to LIBOBJS
 AC_REPLACE_FUNCS([strdup]) dnl May add strdup.$(OBJEXT) to LIBOBJS
 AC_FUNC_ALLOCA             dnl May add alloca.$(OBJEXT) to ALLOCA

The AC_CONFIG_LIBOBJ_DIR tells Autoconf that the source files of
these object files are to be found in the lib/ directory. Automake
can also use this information, otherwise it expects the source files are
to be in the directory where the $(LIBOBJS) and $(ALLOCA) variables
are used.

The lib/ directory should therefore contain malloc.c, memcmp.c,
strdup.c, alloca.c. Here is its Makefile.am:

 # lib/Makefile.am

 noinst_LIBRARIES = libcompat.a
 libcompat_a_SOURCES =
 libcompat_a_LIBADD = $(LIBOBJS) $(ALLOCA)

The library can have any name, of course, and anyway it is not going
to be installed: it just holds the replacement versions of the missing
or broken functions so we can later link them in. Many projects also
include extra functions, specific to the project, in that library: they
are simply added on the _SOURCES line.

There is a small trap here, though: $(LIBOBJS) and $(ALLOCA)
might be empty, and building an empty library is not portable. You
should ensure that there is always something to put in libcompat.a.
Most projects will also add some utility functions in that directory,
and list them in libcompat_a_SOURCES, so in practice libcompat.a
cannot be empty.

Finally here is how this library could be used from the src/

 # src/Makefile.am

 # Link all programs in this directory with libcompat.a
 LDADD = ../lib/libcompat.a

 bin_PROGRAMS = tool1 tool2 ...
 tool1_SOURCES = ...
 tool2_SOURCES = ...

When option subdir-objects is not used, as in the above example,
the variables $(LIBOBJS) or $(ALLOCA) can only be used in the
directory where their sources lie. E.g., here it would be wrong to use
$(LIBOBJS) or $(ALLOCA) in src/Makefile.am. However if both
subdir-objects and AC_CONFIG_LIBOBJ_DIR are used, it is OK to use
these variables in other directories. For instance src/Makefile.am
could be changed as follows.

 # src/Makefile.am

 AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = subdir-objects

 bin_PROGRAMS = tool1 tool2 ...
 tool1_SOURCES = ...
 tool2_SOURCES = ...

Because $(LIBOBJS) and $(ALLOCA) contain object file names that
end with .$(OBJEXT), they are not suitable for Libtool libraries
(where the expected object extension is .lo): LTLIBOBJS and
LTALLOCA should be used instead.

LTLIBOBJS is defined automatically by Autoconf and should not be
defined by hand (as in the past), however at the time of writing
LTALLOCA still needs to be defined from ALLOCA manually. *Note

8.7 Variables used when building a program

Occasionally it is useful to know which Makefile variables Automake
uses for compilations, and in which order (*note Flag Variables
Ordering::); for instance, you might need to do your own compilation in
some special cases.

Some variables are inherited from Autoconf; these are CC, CFLAGS,

There are some additional variables that Automake defines on its own:

​ The contents of this variable are passed to every compilation that
​ invokes the C preprocessor; it is a list of arguments to the
​ preprocessor. For instance, -I and -D options should be listed
​ here.

 Automake already provides some `-I` options automatically, in a
 separate variable that is also passed to every compilation that
 invokes the C preprocessor.  In particular it generates `-I.`,
 `-I$(srcdir)`, and a `-I` pointing to the directory holding
 `config.h` (if you`ve used `AC_CONFIG_HEADERS`).  You can disable
 the default `-I` options using the `nostdinc` option.

 When a file to be included is generated during the build and not
 part of a distribution tarball, its location is under
 `$(builddir)`, not under `$(srcdir)`.  This matters especially for
 packages that use header files placed in sub-directories and want
 to allow builds outside the source tree (*note VPATH Builds::).  In
 that case we recommend to use a pair of `-I` options, such as,
 e.g., `-Isome/subdir -I$(srcdir)/some/subdir` or
 `-I$(top_builddir)/some/subdir -I$(top_srcdir)/some/subdir`.  Note
 that the reference to the build tree should come before the
 reference to the source tree, so that accidentally leftover
 generated files in the source directory are ignored.

 `AM_CPPFLAGS` is ignored in preference to a per-executable (or
 per-library) `_CPPFLAGS` variable if it is defined.

​ This does the same job as AM_CPPFLAGS (or any per-target
_CPPFLAGS variable if it is used). It is an older name for the
​ same functionality. This variable is deprecated; we suggest using
AM_CPPFLAGS and per-target _CPPFLAGS instead.

​ This is the variable the Makefile.am author can use to pass in
​ additional C compiler flags. In some situations, this is not used,
​ in preference to the per-executable (or per-library) _CFLAGS.

​ This is the command used to actually compile a C source file. The
​ file name is appended to form the complete command line.

​ This is the variable the Makefile.am author can use to pass in
​ additional linker flags. In some situations, this is not used, in
​ preference to the per-executable (or per-library) _LDFLAGS.

​ This is the command used to actually link a C program. It already
​ includes -o $@ and the usual variable references (for instance,
CFLAGS); it takes as “arguments” the names of the object files
​ and libraries to link in. This variable is not used when the
​ linker is overridden with a per-target _LINK variable or
​ per-target flags cause Automake to define such a _LINK variable.

8.8 Yacc and Lex support

Automake has somewhat idiosyncratic support for Yacc and Lex.

Automake assumes that the .c file generated by yacc (or lex)
should be named using the basename of the input file. That is, for a
yacc source file foo.y, Automake will cause the intermediate file to
be named foo.c (as opposed to y.tab.c, which is more traditional).

The extension of a yacc source file is used to determine the
extension of the resulting C or C++ source and header files. Note that
header files are generated only when the -d Yacc option is used; see
below for more information about this flag, and how to specify it.
Files with the extension .y will thus be turned into .c sources and
.h headers; likewise, .yy will become .cc and .hh, .y++ will
become c++ and h++, .yxx will become .cxx and .hxx, and .ypp
will become .cpp and .hpp.

Similarly, lex source files can be used to generate C or C++; the
extensions .l, .ll, .l++, .lxx, and .lpp are recognized.

You should never explicitly mention the intermediate (C or C++) file
in any SOURCES variable; only list the source file.

The intermediate files generated by yacc (or lex) will be
included in any distribution that is made. That way the user doesnt need to have yaccorlex`.

If a yacc source file is seen, then your configure.ac must define
the variable YACC. This is most easily done by invoking the macro
AC_PROG_YACC (*note Particular Program Checks: (autoconf)Particular

When yacc is invoked, it is passed AM_YFLAGS and YFLAGS. The
latter is a user variable and the former is intended for the
Makefile.am author.

AM_YFLAGS is usually used to pass the -d option to yacc.
Automake knows what this means and will automatically adjust its rules
to update and distribute the header file built by yacc -d(1). What
Automake cannot guess, though, is where this header will be used: it is
up to you to ensure the header gets built before it is first used.
Typically this is necessary in order for dependency tracking to work
when the header is included by another file. The common solution is
listing the header file in BUILT_SOURCES (*note Sources::) as follows.

 BUILT_SOURCES = parser.h
 bin_PROGRAMS = foo
 foo_SOURCES = ... parser.y ...

If a lex source file is seen, then your configure.ac must define
the variable LEX. You can use AC_PROG_LEX to do this (*note
Particular Program Checks: (autoconf)Particular Programs.), but using
AM_PROG_LEX macro (*note Macros::) is recommended.

When lex is invoked, it is passed AM_LFLAGS and LFLAGS. The
latter is a user variable and the former is intended for the
Makefile.am author.

When AM_MAINTAINER_MODE (*note maintainer-mode::) is used, the
rebuild rule for distributed Yacc and Lex sources are only used when
maintainer-mode is enabled, or when the files have been erased.

When lex or yacc sources are used, automake -a automatically
installs an auxiliary program called ylwrap in your package (*note
Auxiliary Programs::). This program is used by the build rules to
rename the output of these tools, and makes it possible to include
multiple yacc (or lex) source files in a single directory. (This is
necessary because yaccs output file name is fixed, and a parallel make could conceivably invoke more than one instance of yacc`

For yacc, simply managing locking is insufficient. The output of
yacc always uses the same symbol names internally, so it isnt possible to link two yacc` parsers into the same executable.

We recommend using the following renaming hack used in gdb:
​ #define yymaxdepth c_maxdepth
​ #define yyparse c_parse
​ #define yylex c_lex
​ #define yyerror c_error
​ #define yylval c_lval
​ #define yychar c_char
​ #define yydebug c_debug
​ #define yypact c_pact
​ #define yyr1 c_r1
​ #define yyr2 c_r2
​ #define yydef c_def
​ #define yychk c_chk
​ #define yypgo c_pgo
​ #define yyact c_act
​ #define yyexca c_exca
​ #define yyerrflag c_errflag
​ #define yynerrs c_nerrs
​ #define yyps c_ps
​ #define yypv c_pv
​ #define yys c_s
​ #define yy_yys c_yys
​ #define yystate c_state
​ #define yytmp c_tmp
​ #define yyv c_v
​ #define yy_yyv c_yyv
​ #define yyval c_val
​ #define yylloc c_lloc
​ #define yyreds c_reds
​ #define yytoks c_toks
​ #define yylhs c_yylhs
​ #define yylen c_yylen
​ #define yydefred c_yydefred
​ #define yydgoto c_yydgoto
​ #define yysindex c_yysindex
​ #define yyrindex c_yyrindex
​ #define yygindex c_yygindex
​ #define yytable c_yytable
​ #define yycheck c_yycheck
​ #define yyname c_yyname
​ #define yyrule c_yyrule

For each define, replace the c_ prefix with whatever you like.
These defines work for bison, byacc, and traditional yaccs. If
you find a parser generator that uses a symbol not covered here, please
report the new name so it can be added to the list.

(1) Please note that automake recognizes -d in AM_YFLAGS only
if it is not clustered with other options; for example, it wont be recognized if AM_YFLAGSis-dt, but it will be if AM_YFLAGSis-d
-tor-t -d`.

8.9 C++ Support

Automake includes full support for C++.

Any package including C++ code must define the output variable CXX
in configure.ac; the simplest way to do this is to use the
AC_PROG_CXX macro (*note Particular Program Checks:
(autoconf)Particular Programs.).

A few additional variables are defined when a C++ source file is

​ The name of the C++ compiler.

​ Any flags to pass to the C++ compiler.

​ The maintainers variant of CXXFLAGS`.

​ The command used to actually compile a C++ source file. The file
​ name is appended to form the complete command line.

​ The command used to actually link a C++ program.

8.10 Objective C Support

Automake includes some support for Objective C.

Any package including Objective C code must define the output
variable OBJC in configure.ac; the simplest way to do this is to use
the AC_PROG_OBJC macro (*note Particular Program Checks:
(autoconf)Particular Programs.).

A few additional variables are defined when an Objective C source
file is seen:

​ The name of the Objective C compiler.

​ Any flags to pass to the Objective C compiler.

​ The maintainers variant of OBJCFLAGS`.

​ The command used to actually compile an Objective C source file.
​ The file name is appended to form the complete command line.

​ The command used to actually link an Objective C program.

8.11 Objective C++ Support

Automake includes some support for Objective C++.

Any package including Objective C++ code must define the output
variable OBJCXX in configure.ac; the simplest way to do this is to
use the AC_PROG_OBJCXX macro (*note Particular Program Checks:
(autoconf)Particular Programs.).

A few additional variables are defined when an Objective C++ source
file is seen:

​ The name of the Objective C++ compiler.

​ Any flags to pass to the Objective C++ compiler.

​ The maintainers variant of OBJCXXFLAGS`.

​ The command used to actually compile an Objective C++ source file.
​ The file name is appended to form the complete command line.

​ The command used to actually link an Objective C++ program.

8.12 Unified Parallel C Support

Automake includes some support for Unified Parallel C.

Any package including Unified Parallel C code must define the output
variable UPC in configure.ac; the simplest way to do this is to use
the AM_PROG_UPC macro (*note Public Macros::).

A few additional variables are defined when a Unified Parallel C
source file is seen:

​ The name of the Unified Parallel C compiler.

​ Any flags to pass to the Unified Parallel C compiler.

​ The maintainers variant of UPCFLAGS`.

​ The command used to actually compile a Unified Parallel C source
​ file. The file name is appended to form the complete command line.

​ The command used to actually link a Unified Parallel C program.

8.13 Assembly Support

Automake includes some support for assembly code. There are two forms
of assembler files: normal (*.s) and preprocessed by CPP (*.S or

The variable CCAS holds the name of the compiler used to build
assembly code. This compiler must work a bit like a C compiler; in
particular it must accept -c and -o. The values of CCASFLAGS and
AM_CCASFLAGS (or its per-target definition) is passed to the
compilation. For preprocessed files, DEFS, DEFAULT_INCLUDES,

The autoconf macro AM_PROG_AS will define CCAS and CCASFLAGS
for you (unless they are already set, it simply sets CCAS to the C
compiler and CCASFLAGS to the C compiler flags), but you are free to
define these variables by other means.

Only the suffixes .s, .S, and .sx are recognized by automake
as being files containing assembly code.

8.14 Fortran 77 Support

Automake includes full support for Fortran 77.

Any package including Fortran 77 code must define the output variable
F77 in configure.ac; the simplest way to do this is to use the
AC_PROG_F77 macro (*note Particular Program Checks:
(autoconf)Particular Programs.).

A few additional variables are defined when a Fortran 77 source file
is seen:

​ The name of the Fortran 77 compiler.

​ Any flags to pass to the Fortran 77 compiler.

​ The maintainers variant of FFLAGS`.

​ Any flags to pass to the Ratfor compiler.

​ The maintainers variant of RFLAGS`.

​ The command used to actually compile a Fortran 77 source file. The
​ file name is appended to form the complete command line.

​ The command used to actually link a pure Fortran 77 program or
​ shared library.

Automake can handle preprocessing Fortran 77 and Ratfor source files
in addition to compiling them(1). Automake also contains some support
for creating programs and shared libraries that are a mixture of Fortran
77 and other languages (*note Mixing Fortran 77 With C and C++::).

These issues are covered in the following sections.

(1) Much, if not most, of the information in the following sections
pertaining to preprocessing Fortran 77 programs was taken almost
verbatim from *note Catalogue of Rules: (make)Catalogue of Rules.

8.14.1 Preprocessing Fortran 77

N.f is made automatically from N.F or N.r. This rule runs just
the preprocessor to convert a preprocessable Fortran 77 or Ratfor source
file into a strict Fortran 77 source file. The precise command used is
as follows:



8.14.2 Compiling Fortran 77 Files

N.o is made automatically from N.f, N.F or N.r by running the
Fortran 77 compiler. The precise command used is as follows:

$(F77) -c $(AM_FFLAGS) $(FFLAGS)



8.14.3 Mixing Fortran 77 With C and C++

Automake currently provides limited support for creating programs and
shared libraries that are a mixture of Fortran 77 and C and/or C++.
However, there are many other issues related to mixing Fortran 77 with
other languages that are not (currently) handled by Automake, but that
are handled by other packages(1).

Automake can help in two ways:

  1. Automatic selection of the linker depending on which combinations
    of source code.

  2. Automatic selection of the appropriate linker flags (e.g., -L and
    -l) to pass to the automatically selected linker in order to link
    in the appropriate Fortran 77 intrinsic and run-time libraries.

    These extra Fortran 77 linker flags are supplied in the output
    variable FLIBS by the AC_F77_LIBRARY_LDFLAGS Autoconf macro.
    *Note Fortran Compiler Characteristics: (autoconf)Fortran Compiler.

If Automake detects that a program or shared library (as mentioned in
some _PROGRAMS or _LTLIBRARIES primary) contains source code that is
a mixture of Fortran 77 and C and/or C++, then it requires that the
macro AC_F77_LIBRARY_LDFLAGS be called in configure.ac, and that
either $(FLIBS) appear in the appropriate _LDADD (for programs) or
_LIBADD (for shared libraries) variables. It is the responsibility of
the person writing the Makefile.am to make sure that $(FLIBS)
appears in the appropriate _LDADD or _LIBADD variable.

For example, consider the following Makefile.am:

 bin_PROGRAMS = foo
 foo_SOURCES  = main.cc foo.f
 foo_LDADD    = libfoo.la $(FLIBS)

 pkglib_LTLIBRARIES = libfoo.la
 libfoo_la_SOURCES  = bar.f baz.c zardoz.cc
 libfoo_la_LIBADD   = $(FLIBS)

In this case, Automake will insist that AC_F77_LIBRARY_LDFLAGS is
mentioned in configure.ac. Also, if $(FLIBS) hadnt been mentioned in foo_LDADDandlibfoo_la_LIBADD`, then Automake would have issued a

(1) For example, the cfortran package
(http://www-zeus.desy.de/~burow/cfortran/) addresses all of these
inter-language issues, and runs under nearly all Fortran 77, C and C++
compilers on nearly all platforms. However, cfortran is not yet Free
Software, but it will be in the next major release. How the Linker is Chosen

When a program or library mixes several languages, Automake choose the
linker according to the following priorities. (The names in parentheses
are the variables containing the link command.)

  1. Native Java (GCJLINK)
  2. Objective C++ (OBJCXXLINK)
  3. C++ (CXXLINK)
  4. Fortran 77 (F77LINK)
  5. Fortran (FCLINK)
  6. Objective C (OBJCLINK)
  7. Unified Parallel C (UPCLINK)
  8. C (LINK)

For example, if Fortran 77, C and C++ source code is compiled into a
program, then the C++ linker will be used. In this case, if the C or
Fortran 77 linkers required any special libraries that werent included by the C++ linker, then they must be manually added to an _LDADDor_LIBADDvariable by the user writing theMakefile.am`.

Automake only looks at the file names listed in _SOURCES variables
to choose the linker, and defaults to the C linker. Sometimes this is
inconvenient because you are linking against a library written in
another language and would like to set the linker more appropriately.
*Note Libtool Convenience Libraries::, for a trick with

A per-target _LINK variable will override the above selection.
Per-target link flags will cause Automake to write a per-target _LINK
variable according to the language chosen as above.

8.15 Fortran 9x Support


Automake includes support for Fortran 9x.

Any package including Fortran 9x code must define the output variable
FC in configure.ac; the simplest way to do this is to use the
AC_PROG_FC macro (*note Particular Program Checks:
(autoconf)Particular Programs.).

A few additional variables are defined when a Fortran 9x source file
is seen:

​ The name of the Fortran 9x compiler.

​ Any flags to pass to the Fortran 9x compiler.

​ The maintainers variant of FCFLAGS`.

​ The command used to actually compile a Fortran 9x source file. The
​ file name is appended to form the complete command line.

​ The command used to actually link a pure Fortran 9x program or
​ shared library.

8.15.1 Compiling Fortran 9x Files

FILE.o is made automatically from FILE.f90, FILE.f95, FILE.f03,
or FILE.f08 by running the Fortran 9x compiler. The precise command
used is as follows:

$(FC) $(AM_FCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS) -c $(FCFLAGS_f90) $<

$(FC) $(AM_FCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS) -c $(FCFLAGS_f95) $<

$(FC) $(AM_FCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS) -c $(FCFLAGS_f03) $<

$(FC) $(AM_FCFLAGS) $(FCFLAGS) -c $(FCFLAGS_f08) $<

8.16 Compiling Java sources using gcj

Automake includes support for natively compiled Java, using gcj, the
Java front end to the GNU Compiler Collection (rudimentary support for
compiling Java to bytecode using the javac compiler is also present,
albeit deprecated; *note Java::).

Any package including Java code to be compiled must define the output
variable GCJ in configure.ac; the variable GCJFLAGS must also be
defined somehow (either in configure.ac or Makefile.am). The
simplest way to do this is to use the AM_PROG_GCJ macro.

By default, programs including Java source files are linked with

As always, the contents of AM_GCJFLAGS are passed to every
compilation invoking gcj (in its role as an ahead-of-time compiler,
when invoking it to create .class files, AM_JAVACFLAGS is used
instead). If it is necessary to pass options to gcj from
Makefile.am, this variable, and not the user variable GCJFLAGS,
should be used.

gcj can be used to compile .java, .class, .zip, or .jar

When linking, gcj requires that the main class be specified using
the --main= option. The easiest way to do this is to use the
_LDFLAGS variable for the program.

8.17 Vala Support


Automake provides initial support for Vala
(http://www.vala-project.org/). This requires valac version 0.7.0 or
later, and currently requires the user to use GNU make.

 foo_SOURCES = foo.vala bar.vala zardoc.c

Any .vala file listed in a _SOURCES variable will be compiled
into C code by the Vala compiler. The generated .c files are
distributed. The end user does not need to have a Vala compiler

Automake ships with an Autoconf macro called AM_PROG_VALAC that
will locate the Vala compiler and optionally check its version number.

​ [ACTION-IF-NOT-FOUND]) Search for a Vala compiler in PATH. If it
​ is found, the variable VALAC is set to point to it (see below for
​ more details). This macro takes three optional arguments. The
​ first argument, if present, is the minimum version of the Vala
​ compiler required to compile this package. If a compiler is found
​ and satisfies MINIMUM-VERSION, then ACTION-IF-FOUND is run (this
​ defaults to do nothing). Otherwise, ACTION-IF-NOT-FOUND is run.
​ If ACTION-IF-NOT-FOUND is not specified, the default value is to
​ print a warning in case no compiler is found, or if a too-old
​ version of the compiler is found.

There are a few variables that are used when compiling Vala sources:

​ Absolute path to the Vala compiler, or simply valac if no
​ suitable compiler Vala could be found at configure runtime.

​ Additional arguments for the Vala compiler.

​ The maintainers variant of VALAFLAGS`.

      lib_LTLIBRARIES = libfoo.la
      libfoo_la_SOURCES = foo.vala

Note that currently, you cannot use per-target *_VALAFLAGS (*note
Renamed Objects::) to produce different C files from one Vala source

8.18 Support for Other Languages

Automake currently only includes full support for C, C++ (*note C++
Support::), Objective C (*note Objective C Support::), Objective C++
(*note Objective C++ Support::), Fortran 77 (*note Fortran 77
Support::), Fortran 9x (*note Fortran 9x Support::), and Java (*note
Java Support with gcj::). There is only rudimentary support for other
languages, support for which will be improved based on user demand.

Some limited support for adding your own languages is available via
the suffix rule handling (*note Suffixes::).

8.19 Automatic dependency tracking

As a developer it is often painful to continually update the
Makefile.am whenever the include-file dependencies change in a
project. Automake supplies a way to automatically track dependency
changes (*note Dependency Tracking::).

Automake always uses complete dependencies for a compilation,
including system headers. Automakes model is that dependency computation should be a side effect of the build. To this end, dependencies are computed by running all compilations through a special wrapper program called depcomp. depcompunderstands how to coax many different C and C++ compilers into generating dependency information in the format it requires. automake -awill installdepcompinto your source tree for you. Ifdepcomp cant figure out
how to properly invoke your compiler, dependency tracking will simply be
disabled for your build.

Experience with earlier versions of Automake (*note Dependency
Tracking Evolution: (automake-history)Dependency Tracking Evolution.)
taught us that it is not reliable to generate dependencies only on the
maintainer`s system, as configurations vary too much. So instead
Automake implements dependency tracking at build time.

Automatic dependency tracking can be suppressed by putting
no-dependencies in the variable AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS, or passing
no-dependencies as an argument to AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE (this should be
the preferred way). Or, you can invoke automake with the -i option.
Dependency tracking is enabled by default.

The person building your package also can choose to disable
dependency tracking by configuring with --disable-dependency-tracking.

8.20 Support for executable extensions

On some platforms, such as Windows, executables are expected to have an
extension such as .exe. On these platforms, some compilers (GCC among
them) will automatically generate foo.exe when asked to generate

Automake provides mostly-transparent support for this. Unfortunately
mostly doesn`t yet mean fully. Until the English dictionary is
revised, you will have to assist Automake if your package must support
those platforms.

One thing you must be aware of is that, internally, Automake rewrites
something like this:

 bin_PROGRAMS = liver

to this:

 bin_PROGRAMS = liver$(EXEEXT)

The targets Automake generates are likewise given the $(EXEEXT)

The variables TESTS and XFAIL_TESTS (*note Simple Tests::) are
also rewritten if they contain filenames that have been declared as
programs in the same Makefile. (This is mostly useful when some
programs from check_PROGRAMS are listed in TESTS.)

However, Automake cannot apply this rewriting to configure
substitutions. This means that if you are conditionally building a
program using such a substitution, then your configure.ac must take
care to add $(EXEEXT) when constructing the output variable.

Sometimes maintainers like to write an explicit link rule for their
program. Without executable extension support, this is easy—you simply
write a rule whose target is the name of the program. However, when
executable extension support is enabled, you must instead add the
$(EXEEXT) suffix.

This might be a nuisance for maintainers who know their package will
never run on a platform that has executable extensions. For those
maintainers, the no-exeext option (*note Options::) will disable this
feature. This works in a fairly ugly way; if no-exeext is seen, then
the presence of a rule for a target named foo in Makefile.am will
override an automake-generated rule for foo$(EXEEXT). Without the
no-exeext option, this use will give a diagnostic.

